Love and Obstacles: Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Love and Obstacles: Stories Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


The author uses honor to symbolize appreciation for the good work done symbolically. For example, in the story 'The Noble Truth of Suffering,' Bosnian is invited to attend a party in which one of the renowned writers known as Macalister is honored as a sign of appreciation for the good creative work he has accomplished.


The character Macalister is an emblem of success and risk-taking. The reader realizes that success is associated with taking risks and achieving what people think is impossible. For instance, the author depicts Macalister as a novelist who is not shy to take risks as long as he achieves his goals.

The luncheon

The luncheon symbolizes true friendship. Getting true friends who honor your commitments is a rare occurrence in the world we live in. However, Macalister is a true demonstration of true friendship. When Bosnian invites Macalister to attend his parents' luncheon, he gladly accepts the invitation and offers his maximum support as a friend.


Sarajevo signifies beauty and welcoming society that is ready to embrace strangers and make them feel at home. Therefore, Bosnian is determined to convince Macalister to stay at his local place to show him the beauty and the welcoming nature of the people of Sarajevo.

The poet

In the story 'The Conductor,' the poet symbolizes resilience and determination to patriotism. Despite the civil war in Sarajevo, the poet stays put to document every event taking place while sharing with the rest of the world. For instance, the poet documents brutality and despondency in the city and shares it with the rest of the world.

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