Lone Survivor Literary Elements

Lone Survivor Literary Elements


Biographical Memoir

Setting and Context

Primarily in Afghanistan during 2005

Narrator and Point of View

Told from the point of view of Marcus Luttrell

Tone and Mood

Intense, Upsetting, Violent, Solemn, Thrilling, High-Energy

Protagonist and Antagonist

Luttrell and his fellow Navy SEALS (protagonist) vs. The Taliban (Antagonists)

Major Conflict

Luttrell's struggle to survive the ordeal in Afghanistan in spite of a seemingly insurmountable attack by the Taliban


When Luttrell is finally saved


The book's title foreshadows the outcome of the mission.


Luttrell's sheer luck is often understated in the book.


Because this is a non-fiction book, there aren't many allusions. However, the book alludes to the geography of the United States, Afghanistan, and Iraq, religion (Christianity and Islam), the Bible, and the history of Luttrell and his family, the United States, and Afghanistan.




The SEALS acted paradoxically in not killing the goat herder



Metonymy and Synecdoche

Hell Week = the most grueling week of training during Navy SEAL BUDS class.


The hills and mountains of Afghanistan are often personified in the book

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