Lexicon Imagery

Lexicon Imagery

The Imagery of Will’s Ambush

Barry explains, "The door had opened. A tall man in a beige coat had come in. There were half a dozen free urinals, Wil at one end, but the man chose the one beside him. Moments passed and the tall man did not pee. Will emptying at high velocity, felt twinge of compassion. He had been there. The door opened again. A second man entered and locked the door…then he realized Shy Bladder Guy's eyes were calm and deep and kind of beautiful, actually, but the key point being calm as in unsurprised, and Shy Bladder Guy had seized his head and propelled him into the wall. Then the pain, and questions." The ambush transpires in an unlikely locale (urinals). Evidently, the two men had been tracking Will till they cornered him in the urinals. Will is oblivious of the two men's intention to abduct him due to the uncanniness of the location; he apprehends their intention when he is seized and subjected to painful interrogation.

The aftereffect of doping

Barry explains, "A door opened. On the other side of it was a world of stunted color and muted sound, as if something was stuck in Will's ears, and eyes, and possibly brain. He shook his head to clear it, but the world grew dark and angry and would not stay upright. The world did not like to be shaken. He understood that now. He wouldn't shake it again. He felt his feet sliding away from him on silent roller skates and reached for a wall for support. The wall cursed and dug its fingers into his arm, and was probably not a wall. It was probably a person." Will is drugged so he will not resist the ambush. The doping interferes with his body's normal senses to the degree that he cannot perceive the world clearly. The abductors are armed which a powerful doping agent that weakens and confuses Will.

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