Les Murray: Poetry

Les Murray: Poetry Analysis

“The Margin of Difference”

“The Margin of Difference” outlines Literalism versus Lateralism binary: “One and one make two,/the literalist said./ So far they've made five billion,/said the lateralist, or ten/times that, if you count the dead.” The literalist’s construal is direct, comparatively, the lateralist elucidation is covert. The lateralist’s view rises above the superficial figures; thus, it is exceedingly insightful. Therefore, “The Margin of Difference” is attributed to the suppositions that the interpreters consider while construing the figures.

“Self and Dream Self”

“Self and Dream Self” hints at the Fancy versus Realism Binary: “You huddle in, becoming/the deathless younger self/who will survive your dreams/and vanish in surviving.” The self epitomizes the straightforward actuality of an individual’s being. Comparatively, the ‘dream self’ stimulates idealistic fantasies about what an individual hankers to realize. The ‘dream self’ is analogous to a self-constructed myth that generates illusions of an impeccably utopian existence. However, “ dream Self” is not maintainable because it is subject to the disintegrating time.

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