Lasher Characters

Lasher Character List


Lasher is the central character in the novel, and he hails from the family of species called Taltos. The Taltos species are reincarnated beings with supernatural abilities. However, for Lasher to return to the world again, he must be born to a woman with unique chromosomes. Dr. Rowan happens to be this unique woman, and she gives birth to Lasher and later discovers that the baby has supernatural abilities that she cannot comprehend. For Lasher to ensure his generation continues, he has to impregnate as many women as possible from the Mayfair clan.

Dr. Rowan Mayfair

Dr. Rowan is Michael’s wife and mother to Lasher. Rowan sends a sample of her DNA to her friends in San Francisco to know why she gave birth to a different species. Upon receiving the results, Rowan discovers that she has extraordinary chromosomes, which total up to 92.

Michael Curry

Michael Curry is Dr. Rowan's husband and Lasher's father. Dr. Rowan disappears mysteriously, and Michael does not know what is happening. Michael falls into depression and is forced to take medication to help him escape death. Later, Mona appears and tries to seduce Michael, but he suspects something sinister about his wife's disappearance. Towards the end of the story, Michael kills Lasher and buries him.

Mona Mayfair

Mona is a sexually audacious and intelligent young woman who seduces Michael after his wife's disappearance. Mona is Rowan's cousin, and she wants to have a sexual affair with Michael. Additionally, Mona is a powerful witch, and Michael suspects that she has something to do with the sudden disappearance of Rowan. Therefore, Michael decides to renew his marriage vows and decides to continue looking for his wife.


Emaleth is the daughter of Rowan. Emaleth was born when Rowan collapsed in Louisiana. She is also a Taltos and soon will become Lasher's target in repopulating the world. When Rowan suspects that she is about to die, she tells Emaleth to go and look for Michael, and she leaves to carry out the assignment to honor her mother's wish.

Queen Anne Boleyn

According to Lasher's entity story, Queen Anne is his mother in the Taltos' world. Queen Anne Boleyn is Henry VIII's second wife. Therefore, the queen is an important person in Lasher's past life.

Henry III

Henry III is the father of Lasher in the past world. Henry III is the husband of Queen Anne Boleyn. When Lasher is born, he talks him to Donnelaith. Later, Henry III sends Lasher to Italy to be a priest, but he is killed when celebrating a Christmas Mass.

John Knox

John Knox is a protestant reformer with several followers who follow his commands. Knox's followers are the ones who kill Lasher when presiding over a mass as a priest.

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