Lantana Imagery

Lantana Imagery

Opening Shot

The opening shot of the film is of the Lantana flowers. The camera moves across the surface of them before dipping below. As it does, we discover that there is a body beneath lying lifeless. The imagery shows us that beneath the beauty of the surface of this story is something horrible that is waiting to be discovered.

Squeezed In

After John and Valerie make love the night before, John decides not to wake Valerie up and to drive separately to work. The connection between the two of them the night before was lost. He drives to an alley and parks his car there. It's a tight fit for his car. The image shows us what he is feeling, squeezed in and lonely. He doesn't know how to express any of this to Valerie and instead of trying he runs away.


Jane's husband walks into a bar where Leon is having a drink. Lawrence composes a shot with the two men separated by two overhead lights and smoke filling the space between them as they drink. The image shows us that though they don't know each other--this is the first time they have met--there is a lot between the two of them that is under the surface that they don't even know is going on.

In the Darkness

Valerie believes that John is having an affair with a man, which isn't true. She decides to go for a drive and we see her car lights cutting through the darkness of the road. The imagery shows us that Valerie is alone in the darkness going around a winding road. It reveals how lost she feels and that regardless of how dark it is she is still searching for something good.

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