Knock Down the House Quotes


“I never saw myself going into politics, but now that I sit here in this room with you all, I just feel like we can only accomplish great things together.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

As one of the four women who subverted the common misconception that to run for political seats one has to be wealthy, older or experienced, she accomplished the unexpected. Representative Ocasio-Cortez beat her opponent Joe Crowley in the 2018 elections becoming the youngest woman to serve in Congress. The assertion expresses how many like her would feel in regards to making a change in their communities, that it is an impossible task. The documentary charts the daring actions of the women that inspire women and young people in general to make that leap towards change.

“If we elect working people, working people can have representation in Congress. We can change the way we see government, change the way we see politics in this country.”

Isra Allison

The progressive group Brand New Congress aimed towards assisting newer candidates to run for the political seats thus endorsed the four women. Therefore Allison as the executive director asserts the vision of the group with the goal to bring change in the political climate. The documentary addresses the fact that the majority of congressional seats are held by wealthy men who do not understand the plight of the working-class. Accordingly, placing working-class and young candidates on platforms where they can represent the 99 percenters.

“The person I’m running against is complacent, but I’m not.”

Cori Bush

The statement further accentuates that people who typically hold the congressional seats do not necessarily have the citizens’ interests at heart. Bush affirms she among others like her intend to bring back the power to the common citizens and eliminate the corrupt system. She expresses that the wealthy politicians are contented thus the people should strive towards supporting individuals who will fight for them.

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