Kindertransport Quotes


“I’m glad to be eating the bread of freedom even if it does taste like sponge buttered with greasy salt.”


Eva expresses her thankfulness in the quote for the modest food of freedom she is able to consume, despite its poor quality. She recognizes that the bread she is eating and the tea she is drinking are not the most delectable foods, but they are the meal of freedom, and that is what is essential to her right now. This phrase is a stark reminder of the human toll of conflict and displacement. It emphasizes Eva's desperation as a refugee and her gratitude for the little things in life. Despite her tough circumstances, she finds joy and thankfulness in the smallest of things. The quote also speaks to Eva’s resilience and strength in the face of adversity. She is determined to make the best of her situation, even in the direst of circumstances.

“What I want is irrelevant. This is your life, Faith.”


Faith is expressing her unwillingness to leave her family home and live on her own. Evelyn is attempting to persuade Faith to make a mature and trustworthy decision and stick to it. She emphasizes that what she wants is unimportant because this is Faith's life and Faith must make her own decisions. This comment emphasizes the reality that, as a parent, Evelyn can counsel and guide Faith, but the final decision must be Faith's. It also demonstrates that Evelyn is not attempting to control Faith's life, but rather to assist her in making decisions that are in her best interests. This quote serves as a timely reminder that both parents and children have wants and desires and that parents should not try to control their children's lives, but rather assist them in making their own decisions.

“It’s not the end of the world.”

The Organizer

This is told by the organizer to Eva, a young girl who arrives in England alone and finds herself in an immigrant camp. Eva is understandably concerned after learning that her English family will be unable to meet her at the camp. The organizer notices that whatever he said appears to have caused her to cry, and he tries to comfort her that it is not the end of the world. The quote serves to remind Eva that she is not alone and that there are people who care about her and will do everything in their power to aid her. In a broader sense, the remark might be understood as a reminder that life is full of ups and downs and that even in the darkest of times, hope can be found. It acts as a reminder that no matter how dire a situation appears to be, it is never actually the end of the world.

“We all die one day, but jewels never fade or perish. Through our children we live. That’s how we cheat death.”


There are numerous interpretations of the quote. It can be interpreted as a metaphor for the idea that, while people may not live forever, their children will carry on their legacy. The remark also serves as a reminder that people's children are their most valuable gems and that by investing in them, they can be able to cheat death. Although people may not be able to extend their own life, they can live on via their children, according to the quotation. The scenario can be interpreted as a reminder to Eva that, while her mother may not be able to stay with her forever, her legacy will continue via her daughter.

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