Killing Floor Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Killing Floor Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Symbol: Peach

Peaches are symbolic of Georgia, the state in which the novel is set, as well as Reacher's vitality.

Symbol: Greyhound Bus

The Greyhound bus that Reacher rides on is symbolic of Reacher's itinerant lifestyle.

Allegory: Jack Reacher

Jack Reacher's story, as told in Killing Floor, is an allegory for the knight errant, which told the story of a knight who wanders around, searching for a situation in which he can prove his chivalry.

Motif: Reacher Starting Fights

A fairly common motive in the novel is Reacher starting fights with bad people so he can prove his chivalry.

Motif: The Corrupting Influence of Money

Money as a corrupting influence is a fairly common motif - specifically as it relates to the Kliner family, who are corrupt and debase themselves to get additional money.

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