Keep the Aspidistra Flying Glossary

Keep the Aspidistra Flying Glossary


A large flowering plant that is native to China and Vietnam. They grow best in the shade which is why they are also popular house plants. It is tolerant of neglect and is therefore perfect for those whose green thumb is lacking. The plants were particularly popular in 1930s England amongst the middle classes.


Shift around uncomfortably


The type of Victorian house often seen in early twentieth-century London, generally in the suburbs, owned by the middle classes

Bowler Hat

The British version of the brown derby, the bowler hat was named after the hatmakers William and Thomas Bowler who first popularized it in the late eighteen hundreds. At the time in which the novel is set, the wearing of a bowler hat symbolized a business-man, particularly one who worked in banking or other areas of the financial sector.


A widely spoken constructed international language, created with the intention of introducing a universally learned universal second language so that people of all nations could communicate with each other


The official name for the Jellygraph was the hectograph, and it was also sometimes known as the gelatin duplicator. it was a printer that transfered the original image onto gelatin, and subequently onto a metal press that then enabled the document or picture to be duplicated and printed.


The pulling apart of the whole, piece by piece

Without A By Your Leave

Without permission


The last remaining pieces of something


Bum; indigent person


The slums were the worst areas of London where the working classes who were unable to actually find work lived. These areas were most affected by poverty, there was disease, generally water-borne. People from the slums were likely to be illiterate and the best they could hope for would be employment as a domestic help. Slums were also dangerous; Jack the Ripper prowled the slums at night, searching for his victims


Those without money or means


The person being mentored by someone older, or more experienced, in their field


A common igneous rock that can be polished. It is the stone most commonly used in graveyards


Profane; sacriligious and against God, or against something sacred. Blasphemy was a sin according to the laws handed down to Moses by God.


Intended to undermine the existing or established system in a hidden or underground manner.

British Empire

The collection of British ruled territories around the world, generally called "colonies". Socialists believed that colonial Britain was the worst example of the way in which the upper classes were able to exert their privilege over those less fortunate; those who were less left-leaning in their politics believed that British rule actually enabled many of these territories in the third world to develop and progress.


Something that is intellectually stodgy is dull and uninteresting

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