Jessie Pope: War Poetry Glossary

Jessie Pope: War Poetry Glossary

panniers ("To A Stout Shepherdess")

a piece of a skirt used to make it look fuller at the bottom

de rigueur ("To A Stout Shepherdess")

(socially) mandatory, required

ravine ("The Longest Odds")

a canyon, a narrow valley

drubbing ("The Two Goliaths")

a defeat, a thrashing

Teuton ("The Two Goliaths")

a German

parry ("The Comet")

to block, to ward off

on furlough ("Coo-Ee")

to be on a leave of absence

facetiously ("A Sore Point")

jokingly, humorously

immutable ("A Sore Point")

unchangeable, fixed

nowt ("The War Budget")

northern English dialect nothing, nought

quail ("A Muff")

to cower, to dishearten

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