Jason Koo: Poems Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Jason Koo: Poems Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

“Clear History” (“American Dream")

The motif of “clearing history” represents the pursuers of the American dream’s predisposition to overlook what they have accomplished thus far. The clearing of history is an anti-thesis on the saying “ A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”. Clearing history is tantamount with letting go the bird in hand with the anticipation that one will acquire the “two birds” in the bush.

The “American Dream” (A Motif)

In “American Dream” , the dream is the excessive aspiration to attain more. From the angle of economics, the American dream has “an increasing marginal utility”. That is why the dream takes over the dreamer’s past, present and future. The yearning for the American dream cannot be mollified.

The Vowel “o” ( A Natural History of My Name)

The vowel ‘o’ which is drawn from Koo (the poet’s name) is a motif for innate sturdiness. Jason Koo has a penchant for names with a high percentage of “o”. Jason Koo validates that cuckoos are naturally robust, and he associates the toughness to the vowel ‘o’. Conversely, natural items such as rivers without the vowel ‘o’ are depicted as weak since they “cannot keep up “ with the speaker whose name has “o’s” in it.

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