James Russell Lowell: Poetry Glossary

James Russell Lowell: Poetry Glossary

throe ("The Present Crisis")

agony, anguish, pain

contumelious ("The Present Crisis")

disrespectful, insolent, brazen

gibbet ("The Present Crisis")

gallows, scaffold for hanging

wassail ("Hakon's Lay")

drunken celebration

reverie ("Winter Evening Hymn To My Fire")

musing, daydreaming

wan ("May Is A Pious Fraud")

pale, pasty

vernal ("May Is A Pious Fraud")

fresh, springlike

sleet ("The Forlorn")

snowy, frozen rain

ruddy ("The Forlorn")

reddish, cherry-colored

spendthrift ("Hebe")

someone who wastes money on useless or frivolous expenses

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