It's Raining in Mango Background

It's Raining in Mango Background

It's Raining in Mango was written by Australian author Thea Astley. The book is a sort of a fictional autobiography, with aspects of Thea's own life thrown into the book but in a fictional context. The book explores many parts of Australian history, as the main characters look at photo album that highlights events from the mid-1800's to when the mid-1900's. The book was published in 1987, and includes unforgettable depictions of things like the hunt for gold in Australia's early years, along with the Aboriginal Depression. It's Raining in Mango, set the small town of Mango, Australia, tells the often unheard tale of Australia's vibrant and sometimes upsetting past.

Thea Astley was born in 1925 and was a writer for 40 years due to her popularity. Winning more Miles Franklin awards than any other Australian author at the time, Astley was one of the only prominent female writers of her generation. Originally studying at the University of Queensland to become a teacher, she married Jack Gregson and continuously brought her career closer to writing. It's Raining in Mango was her tenth published novel, and not one of her more popular releases.

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