Invisible Monsters Characters

Invisible Monsters Character List

Narrator/Shannon McFarland/ Daisy St. Patience/ Bubba-Joan

The narrator of the novel and primary anti-hero, the story unfolds from her point of view and as such the novel is told wholly in the first person. She was fashion model before her face was mutilated by a freak gunshot injury. While undergoing therapy she assumes many different identities as a coping mechanism of sorts as the novel progresses.

Brandy Alexander/Shane McFarland/Queen Supreme/Princess Princess

A transgender/gender-reassigned man who works as a speech therapist at the hospital where the Narrator goes to receive medical care for her gunshot wound. It is Brandy who urges the Narrator to assume new identities, mask her injuries, and live a new life completely different from what she had. Brandy is later revealed to be Shane McFarland, the Narrator’s brother who was formerly thought to have died from HIV-AIDS.

Manus Kelley/Seth Thomas

A former police officer and ex-fiancé, he is referred to by many different names throughout the novel due largely in part because of Brandy’s influence. He is a cruel, abusive person, and has no compunction about committing murder.

Evelyn "Evie" Cottrell

A fellow fashion model whom the Narrator meets while she learns the ropes of the fashion and modeling industry. Evie is outwardly kind but is actually a mean-spirited, scheming person. Later on in the novel it is revealed that she is actually a gender-reassigned man who transitioned at an early age.

The Rhea Sisters

Three male drag performers that are perhaps the closest thing that Brandy and the Narrator have to actual family. They dote on Brandy like caring older sisters. They also paid for all her surgeries and treatments for gender-reassignment.

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