Into the Wild (2007 Film) Characters

Into the Wild (2007 Film) Character List

Chris McCandless

Chris, or Alexander Supertramp, is the protagonist of the film. At the age of twenty-two he leaves his family, gives up all his savings, and starts a life of a tramp. During two years of vagrancy he experienced a lot of adventures, met a lot of people, but wanted to run away from the world of people anyway. The only thing he really yearned for was to be in touch only with nature. He chose Alaska as the place for accomplishing this goal. But, unfortunately, Chris had eaten poisonous herbs and died alone in an abandoned bus.

Walt and Billie McCandless

Walt and Billie are Chris’s parents. After his departure, they tried to find him at any cost, but all the efforts were in vain. Their relationships are far from being warm and healthy, but after they realize that Chris doesn’t want to be found, they get closer; grief makes them more cohesive.

Carine McCandless

Carine is Chris’s sister. She is the only one who understands Chris, but she feels a little betrayed when he left and did not come in touch with her. Carine always loved her brother and supported him, when he left she missed him a lot.

Jan and Rainey

Jan and Rainey are a couple of hippies Chris met during his travels.

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