Infinity Ring: Divide and Conquer Summary

Infinity Ring: Divide and Conquer Summary

Dak, Sera, and Riq are a trio of kids who travel backwards in time. In Infinity Ring: Divide and Conquer, the children travel back to Paris, the land of love and brotherhood. When they arrive, they are surprised to see how different things are, and they realize that a Viking invasion is on the way. Yet, none of them knows, who are they supposed to help? Should they be fighting for Paris, or help the Vikings invade?

Still simmering, before they have time to react, the three kids get captured. Dak is forced to work for the Vikings, where he still doesn’t know if he should help or stop them. He also is unsure how much help he himself can be, as he is just one kid. Yet, a Viking of power takes interest in him, and they start working together.

Sera and Riq are forced to help fortify the city, but they try understanding their code on what to do. They find out that they are supposed to help the Viking leader, Siegfried, who is known for acting impulsively, capture Paris in peace. They need to stop the impending war and get the infinity ring to get themselves out of there. After a lot of hard work, they manage to do just that, simultaneously learning a lot about the history which they yet again learn is far from boring.

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