Inferno Themes

Inferno Themes


It is very difficult to find a real genius in this world, since a genuine genius is a person who knows how to think philosophically. These geniuses perceive the world differently. In this book, genius takes the main position. The main heroine Sienna Brooks is a genius during her whole life; therefore, it is difficult for her to communicate with coevals. She always has different thoughts and opinions. Professor Robert is also a genius, he unites his mind with Sienna’s and their team solves all mysteries and riddles, which concern the harmful virus. The author proves that genius is not a disease but a great gift and power, which not only helps to solve the most difficult issues and be popular, it also gives an opportunity for a person to be different.

Society and overpopulation

The main goal of Professor Langdon is to save humanity from doom. As we know, Bertrand Zobrist wants to spread the virus to reduce the population, because its number is above the norm. The opposition which Robert shows throughout the entire novel proves his kindness and solicitude. To wipe out a part of the population or even cause the infertility among people with the help of the virus is very cruel. Everybody has a right to live and give life to somebody, life is short and one must continue the pedigree. Unfortunately, Zobrist does not understand it, he does not even realize the fact that humanity can disappear forever. Professor Robert Langdon continues to protect the human life.

Deadly sins

People commit sins every day, but they do not think that they harm themselves. This book describes all Dante’s deadly sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. However, people became so insensitive that their sins are just unpunishable acts for them. Robert is convinced that the most deadly sin is a murder – when you commit murder, you will destroy humanity and mercy in yourself forever. Zobrist does not intend to commit murder, he just wants to deprive people of the ability to propagate. This is also a killing, as he prevents many children to be born. Zobrist is facing a battle for the disappearing of soul of man. It is the deadliest sin.

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