Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth Characters

Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth Character List


Inanna or Ishtar is the protagonist fo her story. She is the Sumerian and Akkadian goddess of love, war, and beauty. She engages in a turbulent relationship with her sister, who is her polar opposite. As Queen of Heaven, Inanna possesses great power and doesn't fear her sister, although ultimately she cannot save herself from the regulations of the Underworld. Her symbolic death represents the removal of beauty, sex, and love in the world, so her loyal and good subjects mourn. Her rescue is a testament to her leadership seeing as her faithful servants accomplish Inanna's resurrection.


Ereshkigal is the Queen of the Underworld and Inanna's sister. Although she is not happy to see her sister, she soon regrets her decision to kill Inanna when she is wracked by pain and disease.


Ninshubur is Inanna's main servant. He is charged with her protection through prayers to the gods Enlil, Nanna, Anu, and Enki. Although he never ceases to pray for his mistress' safe return, he is mourning when she finally does reappear before him. This sign of his loyalty protects him from becoming her sacrifice to the Galla demons.


Neti is the gatekeeper of the Kur, the Underworld.


Gugalanna was Ereshkigal's husband who has recently died. Inanna enters the Underworld to mourn for him at his funeral.


Upon hearing Ninshubur's prayers for his mistress, he agrees to help revive Inanna. He creates two demons of his own -- gala-tura and kur-jara -- to descend and sprinkle the waters of life onto Inanna.


Shara is Inanna's male beautician. His demonstration of mourning saves him from becoming Inanna's sacrifice to the Galla demons.


Similarly Lulal is a faithful servant who is mourning his mistress upon her return and thus saved from becoming a sacrifice.


Dumuzid is Inanna's husband. Although he has more reason than any to mourn her death, he is enjoying luxury when she returns. He has forgotten about her and preferred the companionship of his slave women. Because of his betrayal, he becomes Inanna's sacrifice to her sister and is sentenced to remain in Kur for half of every year.


Geshtinanna, Dumuzid's sister, is so distraught for him that she accompanies Inanna into the Underworld and agrees to pay half of her brother's sentence.


Sirtur is Dumuzid's mother who prays and mourns for him after he is sent to Kur.

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