In this strange labyrinth how shall I turn (Sonnet 77)

In this strange labyrinth how shall I turn (Sonnet 77) Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Labyrinth (Symbol)

The labyrinth symbolizes a difficult romantic relationship. The speaker feels lost within this relationship, and she struggles to make decisions, because they all lead to disasters. It’s hard to plan, and she is left to wander in the dark and face each difficulty as it comes.

The Thread of Love (Symbol)

The thread of love symbolizes divine love. Unlike the labyrinth, the thread of love is a single line for the speaker to follow. Instead of many confusing decisions to make, the thread allows her to follow a single path. However, the path is narrow, a single thread: while it feels almost impossible to escape the labyrinth, it is easy to accidentally leave the path traced out by the thread.