In Memory of Radio

In Memory of Radio Character List

Lamont Cranston/The Shadow

Lamont Cranston is the birth name of a fictional hero who also goes by "The Shadow." This character developed from a radio segment meant to sell magazines and turned into a huge cultural success. The Shadow fights crime with his supernatural ability to "cloud" the minds of men so that they cannot see him.

Jack Kerouac

Jack Kerouac was a Beat novelist who was a good friend of Baraka's through the Beat Movement of the 1950s.

Kate Smith

Known as the "First Lady of Radio," Kate Smith was a popular singer in the early-to-mid 20th century.

Oral Roberts

Oral Roberts was a Christian televangelist recognized as one of the most famous TV preachers worldwide in the mid-20th century.

F.J. Sheen

F.J. Sheen was an American theologian that appeared on many TV and radio shows. He was an ordained bishop of the Catholic church.


Originally from Austria, Hitler was the leader of the German Nazi party and Führer of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. He is remembered as an evil tyrant whose elocution and charisma led to a vast genocide against the Jewish population of Europe and countless human deaths.

Goody Knight

Governor of California from 1953 to 1959; ran on a Conservative platform.

Mandrake the Musician

Mandrake the Musician was a superhero who fought crime by using hypnosis on his opponents. When he "gestures hypnotically," his opponents see illusions.