In Flanders Fields and Other Poems Quotes


"The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.’’

The narrator, In Flanders Fields

The poem ‘’In Flanders Fields’’ is a poem through which the narrator laments the way in which war destroys countless of lives in virtually no time. The narrator felt the pain caused by the war when one of his good friends was killed during the First World War, death which inspired the poem mentioned here. The end of the poem closes with the quote from above, presenting the state of the people still fighting and the state of the souls departed. The idea transmitted through this is that those who died were better off when compared with those still alive and fighting, namely because their suffering ended and they were no longer living in a world thrown into chaos. For those who died, war is something they no longer have to worry about, a luxury not granted to the countless of soldiers still fighting for their lives.

"Bid them be patient, and some day, anon,

They shall feel earth enwrapt in silence deep;’’

The narrator, The Anxious Dead

The poem mentioned above focuses once more on the state of the dead, on the souls which, in this case, are unable to find peace in afterlife because they are haunted by the events still taking place in earth. These souls are described as being ‘’anxious’’, floating from one place to another without any purpose. The quote from above is an attempt coming from the narrator to assure both the souls of the dead and those still fighting in the war that, at some point, peace will come once more and then the souls of the dead and the living will finally find peace.

"Yet couraged for the battles of the day

He goes to stand full face to face with life.’’

The narrator, The Warrior

In comparison with the other two poems analyzed, ‘’The Warrior’’ deals with events taking place after the end of the war. At this point, the soldiers returned home, and as the poem suggests, many took over their farming activities once more. For them, the battle did not end but rather continued. This last quote has the purpose of showing just how hard life was for many, comparing it with one of the deadliest conflicts to ever affect the world.

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