I'm the King of the Castle Glossary

I'm the King of the Castle Glossary

I'm the King of the Castle

The title of the book comes from an English nursery rhyme that goes, "I'm the King of the Castle, and you're the dirty rascal!" Traditionally, like all nursery rhymes, it has its roots in history, and relates to the perennial conflict between a king and the peasants over whom he ruled. In the context of the novel, being the king of the castle means being the victor.


A leather bag with straps at the front to fasten it, and straps at the back to enable it to be worn like a backpack. All school children in the era of the novel would carry their books to school in a satchel.


A padded winter jacket, like a windbreaker or a puffer coat.


Given in


Pleased, and also grateful for something. Satisfied.






Farm worker responsible for milking the cows

Hanging About



Hit very hard, usually resulting in a concussion or other injury

Marble Warrior

The tombstone of a hero, or revered person, usually dating back to Medieval times. A tomb would be closed and a statue of the deceased set on top as if lying down, in repose, mimicking what was inside the tomb. These were usually made of marble.


Admitted grudgingly

Side Chapel

Larger churches in England would have a room at the side for quiet reflection. This is where the village would inter the ashes and bodies of local heroes, such as knights or others who had been in service to the king.


Moved extremely suddenly with great speed. Blink and you might miss it.


A high standard of morality. A person of moral rectitude was considered to be very upstanding.

Public School

Private school. In England, the public schools are termed "state schools" because they are funded by the state. A "public school" is actually anything but, and is private, and fee paying.

Reign of Terror

This is a term usually given to a government, or a dictator, but in this case, refers to the systematic bullying that Charles has endured at the hands of Edmund. It also shows that the bullying is not really physical but is more mental and emotional.

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