If I Was Your Girl Themes

If I Was Your Girl Themes


At the heart of the narrative is a story that explores themes related to gender expectations, gender subversion, gender dysphoria, and, linking them all, the very definition of gender. The protagonist is a young transgender woman who meets all the social expectations of what it “means” to be a female except for having been born without the expected genitalia. Amanda’s story does not slam the reader over the head with its thematic exploration of what gender means—it does not really even attempt to issue a statement one way or the other—but rather features a narrative that is content to tangentially face the issue in ways that gets the reader to ask their own questions.


Amanda leads an unusually charmed life as a transgender young woman. She doesn’t have to face hurtful or violent opposition from her parents. She is able to afford the truly breathtaking expense that comes with the physical aspect of gender transitioning. She even manages to land an understanding boyfriend. That is not to suggests that she lives in a world completely free from transphobia. The theme of how transphobia is always a lurking danger for people like Amanda is explored in many ways. This thematic exploration is not limited merely to the irrational hatred of the whole transgender concept, but also from the very specific perspectives of homophobia, religious intolerance, and even the betrayal of one’s seemingly non-transphobic acquaintances. Amanda’s story strongly suggests that no matter how smoothly the transitioning experience may go, ultimately it will always travel a path which must traverse the darkness of transphobia.

Trust and Privacy

The fine line between the right to one’s own privacy and the honesty required to create genuine trust is also thematically explored. While many in the non-trans world—especially those firmly ensconced in the transphobic wing—would appear to prefer codifying certain rules that must be observed, the world simply does not work that way. The charmed trans life Amanda leads relative to the majority of the trans population surprisingly turns out not to be one which can shield her from violations of trust by those with whom she has been honest.

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