I Served the King of England Literary Elements

I Served the King of England Literary Elements


Historical Fiction

Setting and Context

Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1940s

Narrator and Point of View

Narrated in the first person by Dite, told from his point of view

Tone and Mood

Aspirational, sometimes depressing, threatening

Protagonist and Antagonist

Dite is the protagonist, the circumstances in the world around him are the antagonist

Major Conflict

World War Teo and the German occupation of Czechoslovakia


After finding the briefcase of stamps, Dite can purchase a hotel


Having collaborated with the Nazis casts a shadow over Dite's future as the other hoteliers do not want anything to do with him.


The Germans consider Dite to be too short to be Arian but this is an understatement because he really is shorter than the average man


The novel alludes to the invasion history of World War Two and refers to various historical events that shaped the course of the war


The images created for the reader are predominantly visual. They describe Site's surroundings and the way in which a place of beauty turned into a place of grays and monochromatic colors as the invasion dulled the city and the people


The Millionaire's Prison is a paradox because it involves absolutely no punishment and enables the "prisoners" to have exactly the same lifestyle they had on the outside


There is a parallel between the wealth of the prisoners and the high life that they are allowed to live whilst incarcerated

Metonymy and Synecdoche

"Collaborators" is the term thatjs used to represent all of the individuals with their own individual reasons for collaborating with the Nazis


No specific examples of personification in the novel

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