I Must Betray You

I Must Betray You Irony

Nicolae Ceaușescu's Regime (Situational Irony)

Nicolae Ceaușescu presents an image of progressive ideals and abundance to the Western world through maintaining diplomatic relationships with world powers and deploying propaganda. However, despite this image of Romania as an upcoming global superpower, the Romanian people suffer starvation, political oppression, and inhumane living conditions. Even Cristian is fooled by Ceaușescu's propaganda and is horrified when he discovers that Ceaușescu's regime destroyed Romania's crops and natural resources and that Ceaușescu ironically enjoys Western indulgences, like visiting Disneyland, despite openly criticizing the West's moral decay.

Cici as a Double Agent (Situational Irony)

Cristian's older sister, Cici, is one of the few people Cristian trusts fully. He discloses his relationship with Liliana to her, asking for advice, and trusts Cici to hide the American dollar bill that the Secu used to blackmail him. However, Cristian discovers that Cici was actually the informer who framed him with the dollar. He accuses her of killing Bunu, though Cristian's encouragement of his grandfather's revolutionary ideas in fact led to his death. To add to the irony, after Cici's death, Cristian realizes that she was working as a double agent for the Americans, protecting him and using her position to secure a foreign passport for him. Though Cristian failed to undermine the Secu, Cici actually did.

Bunu's Jokes (Verbal Irony)

Because their house is bugged, Cristian and Bunu use jokes to communicate their discontent with the regime without incriminating themselves. For example, Bunu pretends he is excited by the news that "Romania is repairing the country's tanks—both of them," criticizing the leaders by praising them. When Bunu says "both of them," he safely mocks the country's poverty and failing infrastructure.

Secu Reports (Dramatic Irony)

Cristian attempts to undermine the Secu by connecting personally with Agent Paddle Hands and withholding information. Though Cristian leaves each meeting believing he tricked the agent, the Secu reports included immediately after these meetings demonstrate that Agent Paddle Hands sees through Cristian's attempts at sabotage and maintains control of their collaboration. This is an example of dramatic irony because Cristian is unaware of Agent Paddle Hands' knowledge, while the reader gets the big picture through the inclusion of the Secu reports.