I Am Legend (Novel)

I Am Legend (Novel) Analysis

I Am Legend is a science-fiction novel written by Richard Matheson, and is one of the origins and the first of its kind. Various authors have found inspiration in the science-fiction horror novel that centers around a scientific version of vampires, instead of the common superstitious and fantastical variant.

The story follows a traditional storyline, in the sense that it is somewhat chronological and has a beginning and an end, though that is where the “normality” ends. The ending of the story is the ending Robert Neville’s life, and it is concluded as if it were an article. The conclusion is a repeat and an explanation of the title of the book I Am Legend. The author manages to explain that humans are not the center of the world, and that our earth might be taken over by other creatures, just like we took over after the dinosaurs. Though, since Robert was the last human alive, he is legend.

One of the points of the book that has received highly positive reviews is the description of the utter loneliness Robert feels as he realizes that he is the only human left alive. The conflict though, is that there still are “human-like” creatures on earth. They are close enough to make Robert despair and even believe that one of the vampires are human (Ruth), and believes that he can restart the human race with her. He is taunted by the human contact he lacks throughout the book, and it may be a revelation and an opening for people than have a hard time understanding loneliness, as it offers such a thorough statement on it.

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