Hrafnkel’s Saga Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Which type of allusion evident in “The Immigrants”? - (Hrafnkel’s Saga)

    Biblical allusion: “One night he dreamed that a man came to him and said, ‘There you lie, Hallfred, but that’s not a prudent thing to do. Move house west across Lagarwater, your good luck awaits you there.’ Then he woke up. He moved the house west to the other side of Rang River in Tongue, to a place which is now known as Hallfredarsted and lived there till old age.” Hallfred’s vision is comparable to the Biblical Abraham’s, since he heeds the voice by relocating promptly in the same was that Abraham did when God commanded him. Both Abraham and Hallfred relish prosperity after their relocations.

  2. 2

    Deconstruct the title “Hreidar the fool” based on the response which he gives his brother Thord when Thord discourages him from going abroad. (“Hreidar the Fool”)

    Thord tells Hreidar, "I don't think you're quite the man for traveling abroad…Rather than let you go, I'll gladly give you all my share in our inheritance, that's twice as much as I've invested in my trading."

    Hreider responds, “I’d be very stupid…If I took that money just to be left in the lurch and lose your guidance. I can’t manage anything on my own, and all sorts of people would be cheating me out of our money.”

    Hreider’s response affirms that he is not an absolute fool. If he were one, he would have gladly accepted his brother’s offer. Therefore, Hreider is cognizant of inadequate management skills which would hinder him from running the investment. Hreider recognizes his limitations.

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