How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water

How Not to Drown in a Glass of Water Character List

Cara Romero

Cara is the main character of the novel and the narrator for most of the story. She is extremely honest and frank in the way that she talks about things but also shows a great deal of compassion for other people. She perseveres through a number of tough situations including her escape from the Dominican Republic, her brutal job at a lamp factory, and the disappearance of her son, Fernando. She is, by her own account, very attractive and resourceful. Over the course of the book, she struggles to come to terms with the events of her life. As the book goes on, she becomes more open with the interviewer about her past and present struggles.

Fernando Romero

Fernando is Cara's son. He is described as being gentle and kind. After a confrontation with Cara, he leaves the house and does not return for years. He is gay.


Ángela is Cara's sister. She is fifteen years younger than Cara. Scarred by the abuse she suffered from her mother, Ángela vows to be a better, more modern parent and is very relaxed with her children.


Lulu is Cara's neighbor. She frequently dotes on her children, particularly her son, Adonis, who is a banker. When Adonis and his family move in with Lulu, Cara takes her in, despite finding her somewhat irritating.

La Vieja Caridad

La Vieja Caridad is an older woman in Cara's building who Cara frequently visits and takes care of. They are good friends and she is depicted as being extremely generous.


Hernán is Cara's brother-in-law. He is described as being sweet and thoughtful. Ángela is somewhat jealous of the crush Hernán appears to have on Cara.


Rafa is Cara's brother. He is an abusive alcoholic who eventually gets left by his wife, Miguelita.

Lissette Fulana De Robertis

Lissette is Cara's interviewer. She doesn't speak for most of the novel (and her name isn't revealed until the very end), but Cara sometimes makes reference to the faces she's making in reaction to things. A document at the conclusion of the novel reveals how much Lissette has come to care for and respect Cara.


Adonis is Lulu's son. Cara thinks he's very prideful and entitled.


Alexis is Fernando's one-time roommate and boyfriend. He is sympathetic to Cara and treats her with compassion while she is looking for Fernando.


Ricardo is Cara's ex-husband. He is a butcher. He treats Cara with vicious cruelty, beating her frequently. When he discovers that she had an affair, she travels to the man's house and chops off his leg.