House of Leaves

House of Leaves Analysis

House of Leaves is Mark Z. Danielewski's ambitious foray into the realm of psychological horror. He wraps three narratives into one master document which simultaneously is discovered by protagonist Johnny Truant and completed by him. All the characters' voices remain ironically voices on a page throughout the duration of the book. They never venture into the realm of the real and the active, remaining echoes of a suspicious past. Even Johnny's mom is introduced through her letters, petitions for his help and his safety.

Johnny Truant works as a tattoo artist in L.A. and lives a willfully negligent life. When he moves into former author Zampano's apartment, Johnny discovers a manuscript titled The Navidson Record in which editorial notes, film production notes, eyewitness testimony, Zampano's notes, personal correspondence, and -- eventually -- Johnny's own records combine into a maelstrom of data about the affair of Virginia homeowner and photojournalist Will Navidson. Navidson bought a home for his family on Ash Tree Lane only to discover that the building could change itself according to its own will. After his family leaves, Navidson returns to investigate and becomes trapped by the house. He's rescued by chance, but his entire life has changed after the experience. He records his memories with partner Karen and hopes to develop a film with his brother, but nothing is ever completed. Later Zampano discovered the plans and became consumed by the mystery. After his death, Johnny picks up the mantel and obsessively devotes himself to understanding the phenomenon of this house, even moving to Virginia at some point.

Danielewski employs horrors hand in hand with psychology. As narrator, Johnny is unreliable because he lies and demonstrates utter disregard for social norms. Additionally his mother is institutionalized, a detail which offers evidence against Johnny's own mental stability. Through his obsessive notes, Zampano's fever dream of research, and Navidson's own disturbing account, the audience is forced to personally construct a theory about the house on Ash Tree Lane. Each new revelation brings the animation and volition of the house one step closer to fact, gradually uncovering a case for the supernatural, yet at the same time remaining dubious thanks to Johnny's, Zampano's, and Navidson's unreliability.

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