Honor Thy Father Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is the church presented in this film?

    Overall, the church is presented as a corrupted institution, one that does not actually care for the wellbeing of its congregation. There is some discrepancy between the church's proposed desire to help people, and the reality of what actually happens when people need help. The corrupted nature of the church is personified in the character of the bishop, who rejects Edgar and Kay when they need help.

  2. 2

    What is the significance of Angel's name?

    Angel's name is significant, as it emphasizes the hope and joy she brings to her parents. To her father, Angel's possible future of prosperity and opportunity is almost held up like an imagined ideal, which therefore makes the image of an angel appropriate.

  3. 3

    Why do Edgar and Kay get mixed up in a Ponzi scheme?

    Ultimately, Edgar and Kay are motivated by a desire to help their daughter. They are depicted as being kind and hard-working people who just want to give their daughter the best life possible. As such, their struggle can be seen as a metaphor for the struggle of many impoverished people who just want to give their families the best chance of success within a corrupted system.

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