Home Alone

Use in Poland

Films such as Home Alone and Die Hard (1988) are very popular at Christmas time in Poland, because they were some of the first Western movies to be released in Poland since the end of communist rule.[115][116][117] However, the Polish premiere of Home Alone took place not during the Christmas season, but on May 22, 1992.[118] Three years later, on Christmas Day (December 25), 1995, at 20:10 CET on TVP1, the Polish television premiere of the film took place. Then three times on December 26, 1997, and December 24 and 25, 1999, the film was broadcast on television TVN.[119] On December 29, 2000, 8.9 million Poles were watching Home Alone on Christmas Eve;[120] by 2017, about four million people (11.6% of Poland's population) were watching it on Christmas Eve and in 2018 again on the same day the film recorded the highest viewership with 4.51 million viewers.[121]

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