High Fidelity Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Rob love mix-tapes so much?

    Rob is obsessed with mix tapes because he has always wanted to be a radio disc-jockey. He considers the art of choosing complimentary songs that run seamlessly into each other one of his major skills. He also likes to use mix tapes as an audio version of a photograph album, with each song on the tape reminding him of a certain period of time, or a certain group of people. They are musical snapshots and to Rob they are evocative and unparalleled.

    Rob also seems to view his own life in the context of mix tapes. He creates top five chart rundowns for everything, even his worst relationship break-ups. They are fundamentally important in his life and in his friendships, because it is one of the key interests that bonds him with his two closest friends; without discussing hypothetical mix tapes, they would have nothing to talk about.

    When Rob makes up a mix tape for Laura, it is the highest form of flattery, and the single greatest demonstration of his commitment to her that he can make.

  2. 2

    In what way is the character of Rob semi-autobiographical?

    The main way in which Rob is a semi-autobiographical character is in his undying support of Arsenal Football Club. This is something that the author, Nick Hornby, and his protagonist, definitely share, Hornby only having burst quite so loudly onto the London literary scene by virtue of the success of his memoir, "Fever Pitch", which told the story of his life in terms of his identity as a die-hard Gunners fan. Rob, like Hornby, is a stereotypical North London Man who is preoccupied with football, beer, music and women, ranked by importance in this order.

    Emotionally, Rob is far more neurotic than Hornby but he does share a deeply questioning nature about his relationships and also a substantial fear of death which leads him to fear committing himself to anyone or anything other than Arsenal Football Club. Hornby, like Rob, drifted into "adulting" rather than following a life plan that he developed in his youth. In this way he is very similar to Rob, who has always wanted to be a DJ, but in a sort-of-kind-of-one-day way. He does not actually do anything about this ambition until a death brings about a small version of a personal epiphany and gives him a sense of urgency and purpose.

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