Heracles (Hercules Furens) Imagery

Heracles (Hercules Furens) Imagery


Amphitryon, Megara, and her sons are at the entrance of the temple of Zeus in order to prevent themselves from being murdered by Lykos. This placement of the characters creates the imagery that they are only steps away from being slaughtered, and it is only this sacred ground that is keeping them from death.


Megara huddles her sons beneath her arms as if these arms are wings protecting the lives of her chicks. This imagery reveals the children's terror at the thought of being killed.

Halls of Hades

We are told that Heracles is in the Halls of Hades performing his final labour. We never see Hades, but the very mention of it creates the opportunity for vivid imagery within various readers, who will create their own versions of Hades in their minds.

Logs of Oak

Lykos commands soldiers to cut down trees for logs in order to burn Amphitryon, Megara, and her sons alive on the altar. This imagery tells us that Lykos is a man that is willing to defy the gods in order to secure his throne.

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