Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between Literary Elements

Hello, Goodbye, and Everything in Between Literary Elements


Romance novel

Setting and Context

Set in Vancouver, British Columbia

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Romantic, enlightening, and optimistic

Protagonist and Antagonist

The central character is Clare.

Major Conflict

There is a conflict between Aidan and his parents. Aidan's parents want him to study medicine to become a medical doctor, but Aidan is not interested in medicine because he wants to be a musician.


The climax comes when Clare accepts to kiss Aidan, who tricks her into that they will only be lovers for the few remaining months of high school. Aidan is romantic, and he always gets what he wants. Clare is scared, but she experiences the first kiss of her life and does not regret it.


The arrival of Scotty and Stella on Aidan's special date in the restaurant foreshadowed his thwarted expectations. Aidan wanted to be alone with Clare and convince her to accept a sleepover, but that never happened.


Clare understated Stella’s influence on her life. Clare believed that she had self-control and wanted to remain quiet and avoid events that could steer her away from her academic dream. However, Stella managed to influence Clare to fall in love with Aidan, something she initially thought was impossible.


The story alludes to the hurtful heartbreaks couples go through during divorce in life. For instance, couples who fall in love immaturely end up in hurtful separations.


The scenes at the Halloween party depict the sense of sight to readers. The hall is packed with people, and when Aidan takes over the stage to perform, the crowd oozes with excitement. The performance allows Clare to see Aidan perform for the first time, and she is attracted to him because he is self-assured and alluring.


The main paradox is that Clare does not want to fall in love, but she ends up being Aidan's love the first day. The events occur very fast, and she kisses Aidan against her principles.


There is parallelism between Clare’s interests and Aidan’s in their relationship.

Metonymy and Synecdoche




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