Half the World in Light Literary Elements

Half the World in Light Literary Elements

Speaker or Narrator, and Point of View

Some of the poems are written from the perspective of Herrera, others are from the perspective of fictional characters.

Form and Meter

Many of the poems are written in free verse.

Metaphors and Similes

"I said five, said five like a guitar says six"

Alliteration and Assonance

"papers, photos of his children in/ another country, he cries a little."


In the poem "Half the world in light," the father must travel away from his children in order to provide for them.


20th Century poetry


America in the 20th Century


Thoughtful and emotional

Protagonist and Antagonist

The speaker of the poem is often the protagonist.

Major Conflict

Much of the conflict in the poems is to do with reconciling Chicano culture and ancestry with living in 20th Century America.


Each poem has its own climax.


The description of the father feeling emotional about his family foreshadows the powerful ending of the poem.


The father is described as crying "a little" when he thinks of his family, which is an understatement of his feelings.


Herrera refers to Chicano culture and religion in his poems.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

"The Virgin" is used as a metonym for Mary.


the bed is described as being "stretched" against the clouds.





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