Half the Sky Themes

Half the Sky Themes

Child Prostitution

Kristof and WuDunn write, “Rath was shattered when what was happening dawned on her. The boss locked her up with a customer, who tried to force her to have sex with him. She fought back, enraging the customer. ‘So the boss got hungry and hit me in the face, first with one hand and then with the other…the mark stayed on my face for two weeks.’ Then the boss and the other gangsters raped her and beat her with their fists.” Rath is initiated into child prostitution due to her family’s poverty. She and other girls are deceived about finding decent dish washing jobs, but they are handed over to gangs who transform them into sexual objects. Besides, being violated sexually, she is subjected to extreme violence which wounds her emotionally and physically.


Kristof and WuDunn explain, “A second reason for growth of trafficking is globalization. A generation ago, people stayed at home; now it is easier and cheaper to set out for the city or distant country. A Nigerian girl show mother never left her tribal area may now find herself in a brothel in Italy. In rural Moldova, it is possible to drive from village to village and not find a female between the ages of sixteen and thirty.” Globalization has simplified the trafficker’s work by expediting the course of conveying them to the desired destinations across the world. The ease of movement is favorable because a girl can be moved to various parts of the world were her body could be transformed into a revenue generation object. If globalization were not a reality, then the cases of sex trafficking would be limited.

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