Great Circle Summary

Great Circle Summary

The novel is divided into two sections, two timelines a century apart following two different yet similar women. The first part follows Marian, who, born at the beginning of the 20th century, grows a fondness for flight from an early age, after witnessing a flight of two biplanes above the town of Missoula in Montana, where she lives, together with her brother, with her uncle.

Marian is determined to pursue her dream of flight and at a very young age drops out of school. She finds herself in a dangerous, abusive situation with a man who finances her lessons. Marian’s story ends with her taking over the globe by flying to north and south poles.

The second story begins with Hadley, an actress who is given a role to play Marian in a movie about Marian’s life. Hadley is passionate for this new-given role and finds it more meaningful than her previous ones. She immerses herself wholly into the role and life of Marian, as Marian’s story unfolds together with hers.

Hadley is entranced with Marian's life story and, with the example of Marian's courage, she finds her own. The two women share a lot in common despite living centuries apart, sharing passion and determination and shaking the boundaries that prevent them from being completely themselves.

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