Gitanjali Characters

Gitanjali Character List

The Master

The Master presented in the poem is one of heavenly omniscience and unconditional love. He is not bound by space or time but is a timeless and limitless deity whose presence encompasses all of creation. He is the source of all life, wisdom, and truth, and he freely bestows his gifts on the speaker. He is portrayed as both a kind and demanding person, asking the speaker to devote themselves entirely to him in order to receive the full extent of his gifts. He is a mystery that cannot be fully grasped or comprehended, yet he demands humility and obedience from those who seek his favor.

The Master is a brilliant poet, musician, and teacher who can guide the speaker on their spiritual growth and transformation path. He is said to have the ability to create new melodies with his music and to provide others with joy and calm. Finally, the Master is a loving and caring character who is always present, even when the speaker is in pain, and is willing to accept the speaker with all of their flaws and defects.

The Speaker

The speaker in the poem is portrayed as a very spiritual and devoted individual who is in awe of their master and tries to serve them with reverence and humility. They are filled with awe and admiration for their master and the beauty of the world around them. They are filled with gratitude for the gifts they have been given and are determined to use them to the best of their abilities. They also have a strong desire to be closer to their master and to complete their life's purpose.

The speaker is in awe of the divine, portraying it with pictures of light, melody, and beauty. They are also portrayed as selfless and generous, willing to offer up whatever they have to serve the divine. Finally, the speaker is shown to be reflective and contemplative, taking time to ponder the beauty of the world and to draw closer to their divine source.

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