Girl Interrupted

The voice that narrates Girl, Interrupted may at first strike readers as cool, intellectual, rational, and controlled, qualities normally associated with sanity. It is a voice full of humor, characterized by an understatement that leaves much to the imag

The voice that narrates Girl, Interrupted may at first strike readers as cool, intellectual, rational, and controlled, qualities normally associated with sanity. It is a voice full of humor, characterized by an understatement that leaves much to the imagination. How, as we go deeper into the book, does the voice play against what it is describing--or heighten it? What is the overall effect of this voice?

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Kaysen's memoir is presented in a cool and detached tone. She is a subjective narrator, as she is speaking from her own experience, and she utilizes objective documents to highlight her condition and its symptoms. Over the course of the novel Kaysen addresses her commitment, her loneliness and alienation, and her future. She also addresses the permanent effects... without humor..... the challenge of finding a job, fitting in..... her decision to get married, and her reasons for doing so. It isn't a surprise that the marriage was a short one. All in all, I find Kaysen's recollections to be filled with sadness and confusion...... that the overall effect of her "voice" evokes empathy and compassion.


Girl Interrupted