Get Off the Unicorn

Relation to McCaffrey's series

  • "Lady in the Tower" was expanded to become The Rowan (1990) and "A Meeting of Minds" was incorporated into Damia (1992). Both books are in McCaffrey's "Tower and the Hive" series.
  • "Daughter" and "Dull Drums" share the character of Nora Fenn.
  • A modified version of "The Thorns of Barevi" became the beginning of Freedom's Landing, the first book in the Catteni series.
  • "The Smallest Dragonboy" is set on Pern at the time of the Ninth Pass: it was later reprinted in A Gift of Dragons (2002).
  • "Apple" is set in McCaffrey's "Talents" universe and was previously incorporated into To Ride Pegasus (1973).
  • "Honeymoon" "ties up the loose end" of Helva & Niall's story (from The Ship Who Sang (1969))[5]

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