Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Themes

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Themes


A theme in this book is definitely war, since the book addresses the problems with war and how the Mongols did their fighting. The book discusses the modern point of view on the Mongols' strategies in war and in their overtakings.

Human rights

One of the main themes in this book is human rights. The Mongols used to kill everyone that stood against them, and often innocent people on their way; therefore, it is quite certain that they did not care about human rights. Even though officially there were no human rights at the time, it was still a question of right and wrong with the humans around you, and therefore a form of human rights. The book discusses how the Mongolians treated their own people, as well as the people around them.


You might argue that history is a major theme in this book since it is an account that addresses Genghis Kahn and his people. It teaches the reader about the history of this time and the history of this people, the Mongolians. The author also tries to give the reader a different perspective on Genghis Kahn and his doings.

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