
Gattaca The elements

Though the film is primarily concerned with genetic manipulation and showing us a world where humans impose order and control, the natural and powerful elements assert themselves throughout. The planets, the ocean and fire appear again and again. The ocean provides the backdrop to many significant moments. Anton and Vincent play chicken swimming in the ocean, and so this is where Vincent truly comprehends how much stronger his brother is. The ocean forms the backdrop to Vincent and Irene's lovemaking, and the ocean is where Vincent saves Anton from death, rescuing him from drowning. A whole journey takes place with the ocean looking on: Vincent goes from weak child to desired lover to dominant male, all before the ocean. It is as though he gets his strength not from society, not from his DNA, but from the power of the elements that support him and look on with interest at his life and at his destiny. Despite humans' attempts to control and dominate, the power of these elements is strong and present. Images of the planets are all around the Gattaca workspace: there is an understanding that not all is yet under man's control. And of course the most devastating of these examples is when Jerome succumbs to death by fire. This natural element strips him of everything, demonstrating its fundamental power over man. The color palate of the film is also worth bearing in mind. It begins in blue, has flashbacks in yellow and features red: powerful and striking primary colors that emphasize the film's elemental quality.