Gather Quotes


“How do you say your name? Why the hell people have to talk about it in back corners, I don’t know?”


The quote is about the discussion between Mathew and his teacher. Mathew does not understand why students call the teacher "Sharpe" behind the scenes. Mathew's curiosity compels him to ask the teacher if she knows her nickname. The teacher's answer is astounding because she tells Mathew that "Sharpie" means sharp, implying that students do not forget what she teaches. The teacher even encourages Mathew to be the sharpest in class by memorizing everything she teaches.

“Not a Saint Benard, though. Still, looks like he might drool a bit. What is he eating?"

Aunty Terry

The discussion shows Aunt Terry's fear of big dogs. Gather is a big-borne dog that can scare a fearful person like Terry. Terry wonders what makes Gather so big, and Mathew reminds her that he eats meat. Terry is interested in bonding with the dog even if at first it looks big and scary.

"Do you want to sit on the sofa, Mom?"


The author depicts Mathew as a lonely boy because his mother has been hospitalized for a while. Mathew has been looking forward to his mother's return from the hospital. The day Mom is discharged, Mathew waits at home and is ready to support her with anything. Mathew is ensuring the comfort of Mom after she arrives home.

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