Gargantua and Pantagruel

List of English translations

Complete translations

  1. Thomas Urquhart (1653) and Peter Anthony Motteux (1694)
    1. Thomas Urquhart (1653) and Peter Anthony Motteux (1694), revised by John Ozell (1737)
    2. Thomas Urquhart (1653) and Peter Anthony Motteux (1694), revised by Alfred Wallis (1897)
  2. William Francis Smith (1893)
  3. Jacques Leclercq (1936)
  4. Samuel Putnam (1948)
  5. J. M. Cohen (1955)
  6. Burton Raffel (1990)
  7. Donald M. Frame (1991)
  8. Michael Andrew Screech (2006)

Partial translation

Andrew Brown (2003; revised 2018); books 1 and 2 only

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