Future Home of the Living God Summary

Future Home of the Living God Summary

Cedar Hawk Songmaker is the adopted child of Minneapolis liberal parents, Sera and Glen Songmaker. Her biological mother comes from the Ojibwe reservation. At twenty-six years of age, Cedar is pregnant and she has got no health insurance. Cedar praises her adoptive parents for being great, loving, and caring. After spending so many years without communicating with her biological mother, Cedar decides to pay her a visit. Once she gets home, cedar is surprised by her biological mother, Mary Potts Sweetie. Sweetie looks younger to the amazement of Cedar. Cedar also meets her mother’s boyfriend, Eddy. Eddy is very educated but regularly fights suicidal thoughts.

Cedar plans to conceal her pregnancy. Therefore, she maintains a low-key profile only living with her boyfriend, Phil. But, her plan to hide from the outside world is upended when a woman appears on the screen of her computer. The woman’s name is Mother. Mother is an executive officer of a religious group called the Unborn Protection Society (UPS). The group’s objective is to save unborn children. Therefore, when they spot a pregnant woman, the group takes her to a confinement facility. Cedar tries her level best to avoid the group but at long last, she is captured and taken to a detention facility.

At the confinement center, Cedar befriends a woman called Tia Jackson. The two women candidly escape the facility and kill the nurse. Unfortunately, Tia miscarriages to their surprise. Later, Cedar discovers that her biological father is Glen. One day, Cedar is abducted and taken to Stillwater Birthing Center where she delivers safely. However, her child is taken away from her. The author leaves readers in suspense by concluding the novel with Cedar reflecting on whether her child will ever see snow.

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