Free Love and Other Stories Literary Elements

Free Love and Other Stories Literary Elements


Short story collection

Setting and Context

Set in Amsterdam and written in the context of female sexuality and relationships.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-party narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is romantic, and the mood is cheerful

Protagonist and Antagonist

The central character in ‘Text for the Day’ is Melissa.

Major Conflict

A conflict exists between a husband and his late wife's memories in 'A Story Folding and Unfolding.'


The climax comes in 'Text for the day' after Melissa disappears without notice, leaving her boyfriend panicking.


The break up between the young woman and her ex in ‘The Quick One’ is foreshadowed by confusing memories.


Elizabeth and Jenny underestimate the difficulties of setting expectations within a friendship in the story ‘Jenny Robertson, Your Friend in Not Coming.'


The stories allude to feminine sexuality and relations.


The virtuousness of life is depicted using the imagery of school and innocence.


The main paradox is in the story 'Free Love,' where a young lady uses her liberty to travel and overcome her sexual subjugation.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

The skipping stones in the story ‘The Unthinkable Happens to People Every Day’ are used as a metonymy for astuteness.



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