
The creature makes a request of Victor: to create a female companion. What is the basis for the creature’s request? What is Victor’s reaction to the request? How does the interaction between Victor and his creation impact Victor?


Explain how the creature’s request affects Victor by analyzing the relationship between Victor and the creature.

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The creature asks for a companion..... someone to share in his misery, a woman with which he can share his life. He promises Victor that if he grants his request, he will disappear with his mate and leave humanity behind. Victor's initial reaction is one of compassion, though compassion is quickly replaced by disgust and hatred.

In analyzing their conversation, we can see that the creature has the upper hand. He is reasonable, well-spoken, and his arguments make sense. He plays on Victor's guilt, and he is successful to a point. Victor understands his own guilt..... he created the monster and cast it away to its own devices, he abandoned a full grown infant.

