Foe (Reid) Irony

Foe (Reid) Irony


Throughout the novel, Reid implies that Junior and Hen live in the United States, where people are free to make their own choices. However, Junior is forced by Terrance and an evil company to go to space for a research project. This twist is unexpected by readers, most of whom are used to being able to make their own choices.

Henrietta's love for Junior

After the twist is revealed that the Junior readers have come to know is an android, Henrietta's love for the android becomes ironic. Even though the android version of Junior is not the man she loves and marries, she loves him with the same fervor and intensity as the real-life android.

Terrance's motives

Readers know that Terrance's motives are sinister and that he and his company want to replace human beings with android facsimiles. However, none of the characters in the novel know this, making it a potent example of dramatic irony.

The farm

Much of the novel takes place on a quiet, isolated farm where Junior and Hen are peaceful and seemingly stable. However, the story's events are anything but peaceful or stable. In that sense, the setting of the novel is ironic: the story's events are unexpected, given the peaceful setting.

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