Flush Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Flush Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Coral Queen

Coral Queen represents a business that does not consider environmental conservation but prioritizes profits. The owners of the casino ship are after making money from gambling, and they do not care about the impact of dumping sewage into the water.

Noah as a symbolism of determination

Noah is not only a symbolic character representing determination but is also a satirical individual. After his father is imprisoned, Noah is not scared of the consequences because he carries on his father's mission of conserving the environment. Through his determination, he gathers evidence that vindicates the reintroduced Coral Queen into the waters.

Paine Underwood as a symbol of confidence

Paine Underwood symbolizes courage. Very few people can have the courage of sinking a ship on environmental activism grounds. When Paine realizes that the Coral Queen is polluting the marine with raw sewage, he takes the law into his hands and sinks the ship. Later, Paine is imprisoned, but he does not regret saving the marine life.

Marine as a symbol of the oppressed

The marine creatures described in the book do not have the power to protest the oppression done to them by the casino boat that releases low sewage into the water. Consequently, the marine creatures symbolize the oppressed in society that does not have a voice to protest the wrongs done against them.

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